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Municipality of Radzilow

Economic and Political Statistics - 1996


Dane z 1996 r.

Attribute Radzilow Lomzynskie*^ Poland*
Population 5594 7687.47 15936.23
Unemployment in 1996 --- --- 12.95
No. of physicians per 1000 population 0.18 0.75 0.89
Infant mortality per 1000 live births 14.08 20.03 17.39


Dane z 1996 r.

Attribute Radzilow Lomzynskie*^ Poland*
No. of private firms per 1000 productive population 26.01 49.39 71.44
No. of joint ventures with foreign capital per 1000 productive population 0.00 0.12 0.49


Dane z 1996 r.

Attribute Radzilow Lomzynskie*^ Poland*
Turnout in 1997 parliamentary elections 49.53% 46.47% 43.12%
Votes for Solidarnosc (AWS) 21.96% 47.86% 31.90%
Votes for the Left Alliance (SLD) 4.60% 10.38% 23.59%
Votes for Freedom Union (UW) 1.43% 3.27% 7.93%


Dane z 1996 r.

Attribute Radzilow Lomzynskie*^ Poland*
Local government own revenue in zl per capita 83.08 159.48 220.85
Property tax 13.42 31.39 67.04
Revenues from privatization 2.32 12.26 25.34
Local government share in central taxes (PIT and corporate tax) in zl per capita 63.58 66.19 116.76
Local government capital expenditures per capita 327.15 152.01 178.36
Note: The values in this table represent the mean calculated for the municipalities. That is why these values might be different from the values quoted in statistical annuals, where they are calculated for the entire population in the country. The reason for using the means for municipalities rather than the national average is that it gives us a local perspective. The great majority of the Polish gminy are rural whereas the national statistics are biased towards the urban areas where most of the population lives. Our method allows better to observe a considerable territorial differentiation in living conditions in Poland.

^ Note: Lomzynskie is the old province that included Lomza Gubernia. On January 1, 1999, Poland's 49 provinces were consolidated into 16. All but 3 of them were given new names. Most of the former Lomza Gubernia (including Radzilow) is now in Podlaskie Province.

Data courtesy of Prof. Wisla Surazska from the Robert Schuman Centre at the European University in Florence.

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